France is trying to improve
general information, knowledge and
treatment on autism
Every year the French president chooses one cause to help, this year 2012, the president Sarkozy chose autism as a “Big National cause”

characteristics of this disease are the following:
- -A repetitive and obsessional behaviour.
- -A lack of communication and
- -A lack of social skills, for
example, they don’t understand emotions
Professor Marion Leboyer, the Inserm psychiatry genetics director, and
head of FondaMental foundation found out new revelations about autism. Before,
doctors and scientists thought that this syndrome was due to bad socialisation
with the patient ‘s parents, but it was recently discovered by this French lab
that autism is explained by genetic factors.
These abnormal genes explain that the brain does not develop
normally in affected children.
This new
discovery could lead to the path of a new treatment to cure patients with
Because of these
important findings, it is crucial that information is given in France thanks to
the “Grande Cause Nationale” in 2012.
Bravo !:)